Hallo liebe a-ha Freunde
Hier is Peter aus Dänemark. Vor langer Zeit war ich ein aktives Mitglied dieser Seite, und obwohl ich micht seit langem hier nicht mehr gemeldet habe bin ich absoluter treuer a-ha Fan geblieben og habe auch das a-ha-forum fast täglich besucht! Aber - wie Morten oft sagt - "Ich habe mein Deutsch ganz vergessen!" So, I'll switch to English.
This is a bit of promotion but hopefully something that you'll find interesting. Together with a friend and fellow a-ha fan I have been working on a project which we are getting ready to launch: "a-ha - Ranking Highs and Lows". It's a podcast and a blog where we in six episodes rank 147 a-ha songs from the worst to the best! We're super excited about the project and can't wait to share it with other a-ha fans around the world.
We expect the first episode of the podcast and blog to be launched between Christmas and New Year. There you will be able to hear and/or read our comments to the songs ranked from 147 to 126, and from there on it will continue with the songs ranked from 125-101, 100-76, 75-51, 50-26 and then finally from 25 to the ultimate number 1!!
The project is our attempt to chronicle a-ha's amazing catalogue and is more than anything intended as a celebration of what we think is the best band in the world. And although there will be some 'shameful lowlands' when you rank 147 songs they all make up a part of the story of a-ha and therefore also a part of us as fans. But whether you're a fan from the first hour our recently found a-ha we hope that you'll take a listen and/or read the blog.
The first blog entry is already online and is an introduction to the project - with a couple of pictures of old posters you may recognize from Bravo or Popcorn Read the blog here: https://rankingaha.blogspot.com
And make sure to follow us on Facebook where we will start posting about new episodes - that way you'll never miss an episode: https://www.facebook.com/rankingaha
Liebe Grüsse,
Peter aus Dänemark